The Presentation of Mary
From Wikipedia: “Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. The word “Christmas” means, “the mass of Christ.” A historian of the second Century maintains Jesus was conceived on March 25 with his birth to follow on December 25.
As a Catholic / Christian, I believe the true meaning is Love: Love of neighbor, friend, family, but most of all, love of God.
“It can also mean to give up one’s very self to bring happiness to others.” (Wikipedia)
Giving up is to care for others, pray for others, bring gifts to others or just being present. I found the perfect gift to a shut-in lady several years ago by bringing the Bible study to her once a month, since she was unable to attend the study with our group at church. I enjoyed meeting with her, my reward, as was hers. When I attended her funeral years later, her relatives came to tell me how much she enjoyed our time together and to thank me.
The shopping for gifts during this happy season remains a thing of the past for me-it is just too much. I find that gift cards are well received. I put up limited decorations, many old that bring back memories of yester-years. My dollars are spent for gifts mostly for my 5 and 1/2 Great Grandchildren. So much fun to watch their little eyes light up after tearing the wrapping paper from the gift. When they see the crib at church with baby Jesus in it, that too lights up their eyes.
“Christians believe the teaching that God came into the world in the form of man to atone for the sins of humanity to be the primary purpose in celebrating Christmas.” (Wikipedia)
When I do get out to shop at some of the major department stores, I always answer, “Merry Christmas” to all the greeters.

Karen Fleming is a longtime companion and friend of St. Paul’s Monastery and is a frequent contributor to St. Paul’s Monastery communications.