The Jubilee of Hope: A Beacon for the Mission of St. Paul’s Monastery and its Benedictine Center

The Jubilee of Hope: A Beacon for the Mission of St. Paul’s Monastery and its Benedictine Center

Pope Francis opens the Holy Door in Rome.

In 2025, the global Church will embark on an extraordinary journey of faith, hope, and renewal through the celebration of the Jubilee of Hope. Announced by Pope Francis, this Holy Year invites all Christians to deepen their spiritual lives and rekindle their trust in God’s abiding presence. As a time of reconciliation, healing, and mission, the Jubilee aligns profoundly with the mission and ministry of St. Paul’s Monastery and the Benedictine Center, offering a unique opportunity to reflect on how their work resonates with the themes of this sacred observance.

Understanding the Jubilee of Hope

Hope is the theological virtue that inspires believers to trust in God’s promises despite challenges

The Jubilee of Hope, rooted in the biblical tradition of Jubilee (Leviticus 25), is an invitation to restore relationships, forgive debts, and return to God. Pope Francis has emphasized that this Holy Year should center on hope—a theological virtue that inspires believers to trust in God’s promises despite challenges.

This Jubilee’s themes include:

  1. Renewal in Faith: Deepening personal and communal relationships with God.
  2. Reconciliation: Healing divisions within families, communities, and the global Church.
  3. Missionary Discipleship: Sharing the Gospel through word and action.
  4. Care for Creation: Responding to the ecological crisis with responsible stewardship.

Pilgrimages to Rome, local diocesan events, and special liturgies will mark the year. As pilgrims cross designated Holy Doors, they will symbolize their journey from sin and separation to grace and unity in Christ.

St. Paul’s Monastery: A Wellspring of Hope

Sisters Catherine, Louise, Susan, Lucia, and Mary Lou pray with guests at the Blessing of the Animals.

St. Paul’s Monastery, home to our Benedictine Sisters since 1948, stands as a beacon of spiritual nourishment and hope for countless individuals. Founded on the Rule of St. Benedict, the monastery emphasizes prayer, work, and community—pillars that resonate with the Jubilee’s call for renewal.

Prayer: A Foundation of Hope

The Monastery’s rhythm of daily prayer and liturgy reflects the Jubilee’s invitation to renew faith. The Sisters’ commitment to the Liturgy of the Hours creates a space where individuals can encounter God’s peace and presence. Through prayer, the Monastery becomes a haven for those seeking solace and strength amid life’s uncertainties.

Hospitality: Extending God’s Love

Benedictine hospitality—welcoming all as Christ—aligns seamlessly with the Jubilee’s

The bell tower of St. Paul’s Monastery. This bell has rung for prayer on the east side of St. Paul for decades.

emphasis on reconciliation. The Monastery provides a sacred space for retreats, spiritual direction, and communal worship, fostering environments where individuals can heal and reconnect with God and others.

The Benedictine Center: A Companion on the Journey

Housed within the Monastery, the Benedictine Center serves as a spiritual resource for people of all faiths. Through its programs, retreats, spiritual direction, and formation opportunities, the Benedictine Center enables participants to explore their spiritual lives and respond to God’s call more deeply.

Spiritual Formation and the Jubilee

The Jubilee’s focus on renewal in faith finds a natural home in the Benedictine Center’s offerings. Workshops on Benedictine values and practices, contemplative prayer, and discernment equip participants to engage with God’s Word and embrace lives of missionary discipleship. For example, silent retreats and spiritual direction provide time for introspection and renewal, essential for deepening hope and trust in God.

Reconciliation and Healing

Sister Virgina Matter giving spiritual direction to a man and woman at St. Paul's Monastery.

Spiritual directors minister to guests at the Monastery and Benedictine Center

One of the Jubilee’s key themes is reconciliation—a value deeply embedded in the Monastery and Benedictine Center’s mission. Contemplative practices addressing forgiveness, conflict resolution, and emotional healing help participants release burdens and embrace God’s mercy. These initiatives mirror the Holy Year’s invitation to seek unity and restoration.

Benedictine Charisms and the Jubilee Themes

The Benedictine charisms of stability, conversion of heart, and obedience offer profound insights into the Jubilee’s themes:

  1. Stability: In a world marked by change and uncertainty, stability anchors believers in God’s unwavering love. The Monastery and Benedictine Center model stability through their enduring presence and commitment to the spiritual growth of their communities.
  2. Conversion of Heart: The Jubilee’s call to renewal echoes the Benedictine vow of ongoing conversion. Practicing the Benedictine way of life invites individuals to embrace transformation—turning from sin and despair to grace and hope.
  3. Obedience: Listening to God’s voice in prayer and community life resonates with the Holy Year’s invitation to discern God’s will and live as faithful disciples.

Jubilee Pilgrimages: A Call to Encounter

Pilgrimages are central to Jubilee celebrations, symbolizing the spiritual journey of life. The Benedictine Center and St. Paul’s Monastery can serve as a pilgrimage site for those unable to travel to Rome.

The Monastery’s serene setting and the Benedictine Center’s retreats offer unique opportunities for pilgrims to deepen their faith. As the Monastery looks to the Jubilee year you are invited to participate in the Benedictine way of life modeled and supported by our Sisters.

  • Prayer: Make a practice of joining the Sisters for prayer. They pray three times each day in Chapel and celebrate the Eucharist on Sundays and special feasts and solemnities.
  • Contemplative Retreats: Make a personal pilgrimage gifting yourself peace, quiet, and time alone with God. Spiritual directors enhance the experience by journeying with you spiritually.
  • Workshops: Learn more about spiritual practices to deepen your faith and discipleship through the many offerings throughout the year from the Benedictine Center.

Hope in Action: Social Justice and the Jubilee

Maple Tree Childcare Center is a ministry of St. Paul’s Monastery

The Jubilee of Hope calls for a renewed commitment to social justice, echoing Pope Francis’ vision of a Church that serves the marginalized. St. Paul’s Monastery and the Benedictine Center embody this mission through strong relationships with Hill-Murray School, Tubman, Maple Tree Childcare Center, and CommonBond.

Ministry to the Poor

The Sisters’ dedication to serving the poor and vulnerable mirrors the Jubilee’s call to “bring good news to the poor” (Luke 4:18). The Sisters each year designate causes near to their heart to support with their prayers and a financial offering in their commitment to being the loving presence of Christ in the world.

Care for Creation

A child embraces the statue of our Blessed Mother in Monastery grotto. “Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us.”

The Jubilee’s emphasis on ecological conversion aligns with the Monastery’s commitment to environmental stewardship. Initiatives such as creating green roof space at the Monastery, energy conservation, and to maintaining expansive green space on the Monastery grounds invite participants to honor God’s creation.

Moving Forward with Hope

As the Church prepares for the Jubilee of Hope, St. Paul’s Monastery and the Benedictine Center stand uniquely positioned to contribute to this sacred time. Through our prayerful presence, commitment to hospitality, and transformative programs, we offer the faithful a profound way to engage with the Jubilee’s themes.

Whether through silent retreats, workshops on reconciliation, or local pilgrimages, the Benedictine way of life, remind us that hope is not just a feeling but a virtue rooted in God’s promises. By participating in the Jubilee, we can renew our faith, heal our relationships, and embrace our mission as disciples of Christ.

Let us journey together toward 2025 with hearts full of hope, trusting in God’s grace and the transformative power of God’s powerful love.

The Benedictine Sisters of St. Paul’s Monastery on All Souls’ Day 2024