Magnificat: Illuminations of Mary’s Song of Praise

Mary's Hymn of Praise, commonly known as the Magnificat, is found in the first chapter of The Gospel of Luke and is one of the most beloved and excerpted hymns in the entire Bible. Mary's spirit-filled hymn brims with images of a Messiah who will bring God's Mighty Kingdom to earth and tip the world's hierarchies upside-down to glorify God and save his people.
In this exhibition, artist Kelly Kruse drew inspiration from the ancient art of scripture illumination, creating a visual response to each line of the Magnificat. In collaboration with Kelly, theologian Kathryn Heidelberger responded to each line of Mary's song with a prayer. Together they have created a feast of scripture, prayer, and visual art that they hope will be an encouragement to all souls.

Open daily 9am - 6pm thru November 6th.