Over the next several e-Newsletters we will look back and look forward honoring the 40-year history of the Benedictine Center. Excerpts from the archives and personal experiences and perspectives provided by several voices of the past, as well as my own, will open up the rich history and evolving future of the Benedictine Center.
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Memorial Sister Carol Rennie
July 2000
MEMORIAL Card - S. Carol Rennie
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Mission Advancement News & Updates
June 2000
It’s finally here! The 75th anniversary of the founding of St. Paul’s Monastery. You read at the start of this newsletter the prophetic words of Archbishop Byrne’s address to the Sisters 75 years ago: There are countless souls already in this world and many more that are yet to come into this world who will be affected by what we are doing this afternoon.
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Interview with Sister Louise Inhofer
May 2000
The celebration of the Priory’s beginnings in St. Paul doesn’t just celebrate the building, but the people who were involved. Nine young women also began their studies and commitment to becoming Benedictine nuns. One of these was Mary Louise Inhofer who is now the librarian at the Monastery.
Please take a moment to enjoy her experiences upon first entering the Priory in 1948.
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Reflection: Oblates

While the Oblates make their oblation as an offering to the monastic community and the world, many have described the countless gifts they have received in return. In honor of the 75th Anniversary, here is one Oblate’s story of the blessing of oblation…
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Celebrating the 75th
May 2000
Celebrating the 75th
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