Seeing God Virtual Exhibit 2022 | Group 2

Seeing God Virtual Exhibit 2022 | Group 2

Check out the rest of the Seeing God Virtual Exhibit 2022 Art Groups here.


Rachael (Jeremiah 31:15) is considered the classic mother who weeps and intercedes for her children which is considered a cry to a compassionate God to alleviate suffering and return those who were banished to exile.

Artist Lynnette Black
Intaglio | 20" x 24"


“House on River Road” was painted during the second year of the pandemic. Life was at a halt. Rarely did I leave the house and never did I enter the house of another. During a walk by the river, I saw this scene, so peaceful, colorful and moving. Tree branches were touching each other like the lead of beautiful stained glass windows. The colors rivaled that beauty. I saw a grace filled river reflecting the light from above. Leaves rustled like a softly whispered prayer, I had left my house and entered the house of Another.

Artist Mark Cosimini
Acrylic | 30" x 48"


"Everything in the Universe has a rhythm, everything dances!"M.Angelou Let us dance together joyfully united in a celebration of Life helping to ' bend the Moral Arc of the Universe toward Justice'MLK and then we shall all see God!!

Artist Gail Diez
Collage | 16" x 20" x 2"


My Irish ancestors were immigrants who settled in New York and were instrumental in the construction of this magnificent edifice proclaiming God’s glory. This is my image of the nave of St. Patrick’s Cathedral that actually had the essence of golden light when I visited; thus, deserving of my gold leaf treatment. My ancestors escaped religious persecution and the potato famine in the 1800’s. Ireland had exquisite abbeys and churches that were left to ruin with the persecution of Catholics throughout its history. St. Patrick’s is a great testament to our country’s survival as a melting pot of nationalities with religious freedom.

Artist Cynthia Fleury
Pigment Print on Translucent Vellum Gilded with 24kt Gold Leaf | 19" x 24" x 1"


I see God when people rise up for racial justice. People's creativity and persistence inspires me. Quilt depicts Lafayette Park in Washington DC. In June 2020, fences erected to stop protesters became a gallery of truth telling. Sky honors we are called to do justice during day and evening hours. Crooked Court House Steps.

Artist Cynthia Fleury
Pigment Print on Translucent Vellum Gilded with 24kt Gold Leaf | 19" x 24" x 1"


Our Lady of Guadalupe Now! came to me as I was having dinner at a Mexican restaurant with a Catholic Sister friend. A Mexican American friend of hers shared with us that her granddaughter looked just like Our Lady of Guadalupe.

I asked her to pose, so I could take a picture. I used a picture of Our Lady from the Basilica of St. Mary as a reference.

To me she represents God in every human being. In this art piece Mary, as Patron Saint of Mexico, is watching over her people.

Artist Suzanne Runte
Mixed Medium | 13.75" x 25.75"


My piece is intended to give the viewer a sense of peace and hope in a world so torn by the pandemic, racial injustice, climate change, poverty, and so many other difficulties. Psalm 23 has for centuries promised that the Lord will always be there to aid, lead, and restore us. The hazy leaves of the tree show us the hope of coming spring and the roots ground us in eternal truths that sustain us throughout our lives. Rough textures and silky smoothness of the materials illustrate the contradictions we experience every day but God provides the foundation we need.

Artist Susan Stein
Silk & Cotton Textile | 18" x 22"