Monthly Archives: January 2022

February 2022 E-Newsletter

January 2022
Happy New Year to you! At the Monastery, we do not celebrate with loud noisemakers and cheering at midnight to welcome in the New Year, nor do we celebrate New Year’s like the Romans by offering sacrifices to Janus (a Roman god), exchanging gifts, attending parties, and decorating with laurel branches. As a monastic community, we do not celebrate in the shadow of the secular world. Instead, we celebrate a Holy Day of Obligation, The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God who is the Author of Life in the mystery of salvation. "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me."
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Sisters’ Words of Wisdom: Sister Virginia Matter, OSB

January 2022
Sister Carol Rennie, OSB is originally from St. Cloud, Minnesota and came from a family of eight.  She Carol graduated from St. Joseph, High School in St. Cloud Minnesota and fondly remembers her siblings: Richard, John, Catherine, Mary Jane, and David.  Sister Carol was “lucky number five” and the youngest girl.
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Saint Scholastica Honoree 2022: Pat Swanke

The Sisters of St. Benedict of St. Paul’s Monastery established the St. Scholastica Honor in 2018, the year of our 70th Anniversary.  This honor celebrates the virtues of St. Scholastica and is presented to someone exhibiting the qualities and dedication to the Benedictine way of life in support of St. Paul’s Monastery. We are honored…
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Becoming An Oblate: Travis Salisbury

January 2022
Mission Advancement Department New Director:  Travis Salisbury, OblSB  The Department of Mission Advancement welcomes Travis Salisbury, OblSB, as our new Director.  Travis brings a wealth of experience to Mission Advancement and a deep reverence for Benedictine Spirituality.  He formerly served as Co-Chair of the Oblate Program and assisted Sister Mary Lou Dummer, Oblate Director, in…
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Feast of Conversion of St. Paul: Sister Paula Hagen, OSB

I love this feast day honoring the Conversion of St. Paul. When I made my first vows in the religious community and received the name Sister Paula from Archbishop Brady, I felt so honored. And I still do today. The theology at the time, which changed at the Second Vatican Council, was that when a…
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