Kindness is a word I would like to bottle and sprinkle all over the world. We seem to have forgotten the meaning and the ways to use it. I believe it comes from the heart and is given in love. Those who raise us, our family; or teachers toward their students, or coaches in sports, they are all examples of kindness.
The problem is that our observation of ways to use kindness is shadowed by busy-ness and the world we live in: Text this, email that, television, activities etc. We only stop when we are asleep, but kindness is more noticeable when we slow down and observe.
Today at the beauty shop I saw something interesting in the restroom.
The liquid soap had a feel-good label, “Bee Kind”. Wow, did that strike me as an extension of my topic! What a great place to have that soap, and hopefully others had also taken the label to heart.
Since I use a walker, I am amazed at how some people go out of their way to help me take the walker out of the trunk of my car or put it back in. It is not too heavy for me but takes effort to keep my balance while doing so. Some individuals are young while others are older. I have been asked if I need help by a person using a cane – Kindness – Love.
I asked one of my dear friends to give me a list of some of the kindnesses her church extends to others.
Knitted/crocheted prayer shawls as comfort to the ill, lonely, and/or elderly
Handmade quilts for Afghan refugees
Newborn kits for the needy here and overseas
Food donations for the weekend of elementary age children at the school nearby
School supplies for the same group of children whose family cannot afford what they need …
Being “out of it” recently, very ill with the flu, I could barely make a phone call to one of my sweet daughters-in-law. She arrived quickly with a large bottle of ginger ale and a 12-pack of canned ginger ale and 2 12-packs of 7-Up. My daughter-in-law is a loving caring wife to my disabled son, so I guess this kindness to me should have been no surprise.
I will let you decide what kindness is for yourself. Consider Ephesians 4:32.