Seeing God Virtual Exhibit 2022 | Group 4

Seeing God Virtual Exhibit 2022 | Group 4

Check out the rest of the Seeing God Virtual Exhibit 2022 Art Groups here.

Open My Eyes God (My Prayer)

This painting represents my seeking of God during the darkest days in my life. This is what I wrote:

I’m waiting for You
To hold out Your hand;
Shoulders have broken
No more can I stand.

Help me and save me!
I desperately plea
For Your nail-scarred hands
To reach out to me.

“My hand I hold out
To you every day.
Take it and hold it.
Let me lead the Way.”

I have expressed my emotions by making art since I was a child; using many different materials and techniques. Currently my focus is fiber and digital art.

Artist Patricia Cochran
Digital Painting | 25" x 29"


My sculpture was inspired by the book of Lamentations found in the Old Testament. That document is a collection of laments for the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC, and the Hebrews being forced into Babylonian capt.

Artist Ronald Felt
Wood, Poplar | 16" x 10"

The Light of the Risen Lord

While hiking Minneopa State Park, Mankato, MN. I came upon this abandoned railroad tunnel. Jesse James and his gang camped at this entrance. When train riders saw campfire smoke, they alerted the authorities at their next stop. The sheriff arrived; the gang was gone.

I stood at the entrance I saw this light shinning forth and thought of the tomb of the risen Lord. A babe born under the light of a star, becoming the star for people to follow, rising from the dead becoming the light of the world for all to see and guide us to eternal life.

Artist Theresa Michels
Photography | 23.5" x 19.5


While painting from the subconscious on an abstract artwork a small praying figure appeared on its own without any preconception on my part. That small figure was the inspiration for "Prayer" which then took on a life of its own. We all need prayer no matter what country we are from or what religion we practice. Prayer is universal.

Artist Marjorie Moody
Oil & Cold Wax on Paper | 28" x 36" (framed), 22" x 30" (image)

Jesus Saves Peter

The icon tells the story of Peter walking towards Jesus on water is a story about each of us. So often we fail to trust Jesus completely and start sinking in the doom our the earthly life. However, Jesus is always there to reach out to us, grab us and pull us out from wherever we get stuck in. The waters of life can be stormy but Jesus will never turn his back on us. This Bible story encourages us to try to never lose faith in our Savior.

Artist Ilze Strobela
Egg Tempera; Gold Leaf on Wood Board