
Seeing God Virtual Exhibit 2022 | Group 5

Seeing God Virtual Exhibit 2022 | Group 5

Check out the rest of the Seeing God Virtual Exhibit 2022 Art Groups here.

Fall's Blazing Light

Being with nature and painting it's radiance is a passion of mine. The happy images of the sunshine, flowers, and forests, in my art are filled light and color to inspire uplifting feelings of joy, rejuvenation and a deep connection to spirit. Seeing natures beauty can pull us away from our hectic lives, even for just a minute, is to remind us who we are in God's light.

Artist Leanne Hanson
Oil on Canvas | 42" x 32" x 2"

Visionary Threshold

In prayer and meditation we seek numinous experiences where we can leave our egoist selves behind and join with the universal god...with grace that visionary threshold is revealed.

Artist Susan Hensel
Digital Embroidery & Mixed Media | 30" x 28" x 6"

Monarchs at Play

When I am out in nature I see God's handiwork. I came upon these three butterflies fluttering from flower to flower and I saw them displaying the joy and love of God. I smiled and saw God's love for all living creatures great & small. Their color, daintiness, and beauty all reflect the work of the Master's hand.

Artist Warren Michels
Photography On Metal | 20" x 10" x 1/2"

A Prayer for Synodality

This work is a prayer for us to experience this time as Kairos, as the opportune moment to be transformed by encounter with God. On each square, I write the question that I have been pondering in my heart again and again, especially in this time of change: how do we make room for God, the movement of the Spirit, and the coming of Christ? The pattern repeats, the cycle continues, and we trust the slow reverberating flow of the Spirit, the quiet and all encompassing vastness of God calling us to renewal.

Artist Casey Murano
Advent candle wax, colored pencil, watercolor, and ballpoint pen on paper, mounted on bulletins from a Taizé prayer service | 16" x 16"

The Eternal Struggle

Over the last couple of years it has been apparent that the struggle is indeed real. We make strides against the pandemic and then we have to start over again with the battle. It reminds me of the struggle Sisyphus had at the hands of Hades. Keep hope and faith that we will be return to normal interactions soon and the pandemic would be over.

Artist Keith Spaulding
Acrylics On Canvas | 18" x 24"