Praying the Stations of the Cross is a traditional practice for many during Lent—especially on Good Friday. There are fourteen stations of the cross, each reflecting on a specific moment in Christ’s last day on earth—from his condemnation to his burial in the tomb. This spiritual practice helps us to enter into Christ’s suffering and meditate on the Paschal mystery in a unique way.
Although we may be unable to gather together in person, we do not have to give up the spiritual pilgrimage through the Stations of the Cross. St. Paul’s Monastery has created a Stations of the Cross Virtual Pilgrimage Through Art using the work of artist John Ilg. We invite you to join us in this virtual pilgrimage from your home using the powerful images below.
To begin, find a quiet place free of distractions. Then click on the first image, meditating on the specific moment depicted in the Passion of Christ. Listen for God’s still voice. Pray how the image moves you. When you are ready, move on to the next image and repeat, until you have completed all fourteen stations.
We hope you are blessed by this experience. May Christ Jesus help us to walk in his footsteps. Amen.
About the Artist
John Ilg's exhibit From a Unique Perspective is now on display in the St. Paul Monastery art gallery. While the gallery is currently closed to the public, we are delighted to feature his inspiring works depicting the Stations of the Cross in our virtual pilgrimage. You can learn more about John Ilg and his work here.
We are blessed that you joined our Community as we observed the Stations of the Cross via the beautiful, original artwork by John Ilg. We hope that you were also blessed by this experience. As this was the first year that we offered this, we are interested to hear your thoughts of joining us in this way. To take a moment to do so, please e-mail Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Brooke Eikenberry at: