Yearly Archives: 2020

December 2020 E-Newsletter

December 2020
As Advent begins, we approach winter and the darkest time of the year. Daylight hours are shortened, and the night is long. This year, darkness takes on a new meaning. During this pandemic, our experience of darkness may be tinged with the depth of many feelings: fear, sorrow, loneliness, and hopelessness. As we journey through this present darkness, how we long for light!
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Sisters’ Words of Wisdom: Sister Agnes Trombley, OSB

December 2020
When Sister Agnes was born, her name was recorded as Celeste Therese Trombley in the Sacred Heart Parish of St. Paul, Minnesota. Celeste Therese was the fifth of six children born to George and Agnes Trombley. At six months old, her family moved to North Minneapolis and joined St. Anne’s Parish.
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Requesting Help from Community

December 2020
We are sharing this news story in hopes that someone in the community can help identify the driver involved in the hit and run of Carolyn Edwards, a beloved mother and grandmother. Carolyn’s daughter, Sari, is a dear member of our health care staff, and the Sisters of St. Paul’s Monastery hold Carolyn, Sari, and…
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November 2020 E-Newsletter

November 2020
The words thanks or thanksgiving are used in the Old Testament 72 times and in the New Testament 71 times, so they are not new to our vocabulary. This Thanksgiving will be different because of the pandemic. There may be an absence of a family member or friend at the dinner table, which will lead to a feeling of loss. The Monastic Community will feel that loss also. However, nothing can change the Thanksgiving Spirit in our hearts for YOU!
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Sisters’ Words of Wisdom: Sister Mary Lou Dummer, OSB

November 2020
What could be better than celebrating gratitude? I love that America has a holiday dedicated to thankfulness. As we Minnesotans enter the dark days, below-zero temperatures and ice and snow of winter, it’s especially heartening for us to embrace gratitude. Something I’m thankful for was the opportunity to visit with Sister Mary Lou Dummer last November. We had several delightful discussions during which Sister Mary Lou spoke about and with gratitude.
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Sisters’ Words of Wisdom: Sister Lucia Schwickerath, OSB

October 2020
As the Sisters of St. Benedict have so much wisdom and inspiration to share with us, St. Paul’s Monastery monthly newsletter will include a new series that allows us to learn more about each Sister. In addition, this series allows the Sisters to share with us their wealth of spirit, kindness, love, and wisdom that each embodies from their years in the “school for the Lord’s service” (Rule of Benedict, Prologue).
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