Category Archives: 2022

October 2022 E-Newsletter

October 2022
It’s October, and the days are growing crisp and cool. The sunlight is growing shorter. Summer’s vibrant greens are melting into autumn’s brilliant hues. The gold, orange, red, yellow, and even purple leaves dance in the sunlight. We marvel at the beauty of the trees’ foliage. We rarely take time to wonder at the science and lessons behind this transformation in the trees around us. The green color of the leaves in summer comes from chlorophyll, a substance that helps the plants absorb light energy from the sun to make food for the tree. Leaves contain other pigments, but chlorophyll’s green obscures them from our view. With autumn’s shorter hours of sunlight and cooler days, the tree prepares for winter. The tree stops making chlorophyll, and the colors of the other pigments become visible. We see yellow xanthophylls and orange carotenoids. These substances were already present within the leaf, helping the chlorophyll absorb light while protecting the leaf from damage from too much sun. Only now, as the chlorophyll breaks down, do we get to see the hidden beauty of their colors.
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August 2022 E-Newsletter

July 2022
God does speak to us through presence, dreams, visions and our thoughts. Further, God will use events and circumstances to speak with us. More often than not, God uses the people placed in our lives to speak to us. God is good, and St. Benedict reminds us on the Awareness of God by looking not in the abstract but in the ordinary events of every day. Stated in the Rule of Benedict (Chapter 19), “We believe that the divine presence is everywhere.
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July 2022 E-Newsletter

July 2022
Lately, I have been reflecting on the idea of commitment. The Community of St. Paul’s Monastery witnessed the final oblation of seven Oblates on June 5. The word Oblate has its origins in the word “offering.” The signing of the final oblation document on the altar is similar to that of the commitment that each vowed monastic makes when she places her document on the altar and signs her commitment to the Monastic Way.
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June 2022 E-Newsletter

May 2022
In June we observe Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. After his Resurrection, Jesus appeared to his followers in the Upper Room where they were hiding and afraid. Jesus breathed on them. He had two messages for them: Peace be with you. Receive the Holy Spirit.
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May 2022 E-Newsletter

April 2022
Do you find yourself excited when you are unexpectedly gifted a book? When I accepted the Director of Mission Advancement position here at the Monastery I received a copy of John Mark Comer’s The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry from a dear friend. It’s a captivating read and imbued with Benedictine wisdom, values, and spirituality (even if not outrightly stated by the author).
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April 2022 E-Newsletter

April 2022
We, as Benedictines, look forward to the month of March for it gives us the opportunity to celebrate one of the two feast days set aside to remember St. Benedict. On March 21, Benedictines around the world celebrate the “transitus” of St. Benedict, the day Benedict entered eternity. “Transitus” in Latin means passing from one state to the next— death is not the end of life, but the transition into eternity with God. It is one of two days that St. Benedict is recognized on the Benedictine calendar. Since this feast day is always during Lent, another commemoration date was set when Pope Paul VI declared St. Benedict the Patron of Europe at the rededication of the Church at Monte Cassino on July 11, 1964. July 11 is the Feast of St. Benedict for the Universal Church. Only Mary, the mother of Jesus and John the Baptist are remembered with both their birthdays and their day of entry into heaven.
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