Category Archives: E Newsletters

Monthly E-Newsletter

March 2020 E-Newsletter

February 2020
Celebrating Lent  In “The Observance of Lent,” Chapter 49 of his Rule, St. Benedict says “The life of the monastic ought to be a continuous Lent.” St. Benedict knew that few have the strength to live a continuous Lent. His message is an open invitation to live daily with an awareness to serve not ourselves,…
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February 2020 E-Newsletter

January 2020
February is typically the month that most people might associate with the theme of love. In this respect, on February 10th, we celebrate the Feast of Saint Scholastica, a woman of great love. The story is told of how Saint Scholastica loved meeting with her brother Saint Benedict so they could share spiritual insights. According…
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January 2020 E-Newsletter

December 2019
We Benedictine Sisters of St. Paul’s Monastery wish you a New Year filled with what has been foretold by prophets and celebrated as a brilliant Light announcing the event of God now accessible in flesh and blood to a human world, uncovering what before now has been hidden. This miraculous self-communication of God is like…
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December 2019 E-Newsletter

November 2019
Skies are quiet and dark in December, and each morning the sunrise paints the sky in deep shades of blue, purple, and pink – Advent colors. It is a cold time of watching and waiting. We wait for the dawn, for the warmth and light of a new day, and above all, for Christ.
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November 24th Monastic Gallery Reception

November 2019
“Spirituality of Landscape” Art Exhibit Reception on November 24, 2019 Lake Country Pastel Society brings us our last art exhibit of 2019. It opened November 18 and runs through January 24, 2020. All are invited to the opening reception at St. Paul's Monastery on Sunday, November 24th from 2:00⁠–⁠4:00 p.m. to meet the artists and…
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Christmas at the Monastery 2019 Sisters Interview

Christmas at the Monastery Interview with the Sisters

We sat down with some of the Sisters and asked them about Christmas at the Monastery past and present. Find out about their favorite memories, what they are looking forward to most—and more—by watching the video!

If you haven't purchased your Christmas at the Monastery tickets yet, you still can! Click here to get tickets today.