Category Archives: E Newsletters

Monthly E-Newsletter


August 2019
For those who are married and have used this verse from the Bible read at your wedding, I Corinthians 13:4, I wonder if you considered that the virtues read applied to more than the person you were marrying: "Love is Patient, Love is Kind.” Webster's Dictionary says, "Patience is calm endurance, calmly tolerating delay...persevering." In our world today, it is difficult to have patience: Enduring long lines of traffic and construction delays can be frustrating.
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August 2019 E-Newsletter

July 2019
Late summer is the time to enjoy the Perseid Meteor Shower, when the Earth passes through the trail of dust and debris left by the orbit of the Comet Swift-Tuttle. Like all comets, Swift-Tuttle is composed of dust, ice, and chemicals left over from when our solar system was formed. As the comet travels in…
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