Monthly Archives: April 2020

May 2020 E-Newsletter

April 2020
The world I knew as a child is so much larger now; no longer just my own family and country, but a world that includes persons living oceans and continents away who I will never meet. St. Paul’s message to the Ephesians that we are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household (Eph. 2:19, NIV) exactly expresses what my sense of “world” is today. While this current health crisis is horrific, it also is an opportunity for every person to realize how we are all truly “members of his household”: Inseparable, interconnected, interdependent.
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Taizé Prayer for Easter

April 2020
We invite you to join us in this special Taizé prayer for the Easter season. Taizé is a quiet, meditative prayer sung in common. The songs are short phrases that we sing repeatedly so that the words may enter our hearts. The songs may be sung in many different languages, reminding us that the Gospel is for all the world and we are all God’s people. Taizé prayer also includes a short reading, prayers of intercession (Kyrie Eleison – Lord, Have Mercy), and an opportunity to adore the cross. Prayer ends in silence, and we go out to love and be of service: Taizé prayer is offered for the whole world.
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Stations of the Cross: A Virtual Pilgrimage Through Art

April 2020
Praying the Stations of the Cross is a traditional practice for many during Lent—especially on Good Friday. There are fourteen stations of the cross, each reflecting on a specific moment in Christ’s last day on earth—from his condemnation to his burial in the tomb. This spiritual practice helps us to enter into Christ’s suffering and meditate on the Paschal mystery in a unique way. Although we may be unable to gather together in person, we do not have to give up the spiritual pilgrimage through the Stations of the Cross. St. Paul’s Monastery has created a Stations of the Cross Virtual Pilgrimage Through Art using the work of artist John Ilg. We invite you to join us in this virtual pilgrimage from your home using these powerful images.
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Free Triduum Prayer Resource

Triduum (from Latin, meaning "the three days") is the three-day period that begins with the Evening of Holy Thursday Liturgy and ends with Easter Sunday Evening Prayer. It unfolds the Paschal Mystery from the Passion, Crucifixion, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Christ. Observance of the Triduum ushers in the end of the Lenten season, leading us in hopeful anticipation to the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at Easter Vigil.
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Taizé Prayer for Lent 2020 in Time of the Coronavirus

April 2020
Taizé is a quiet, meditative prayer sung in common. The songs are short phrases that we sing repeatedly so that the words may enter our hearts. The songs may be sung in many different languages, reminding us that the Gospel is for all the world and we are all God’s people. Taizé prayer also includes a short reading, prayers of intercession (Kyrie Eleison – Lord Have Mercy), and an opportunity to adore the cross. Prayer ends in silence, and we go out to love and be of service: Taizé prayer is offered for the whole world.
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